PuroClean is thrilled to welcome Frank Cassese to the franchise system. Frank opened his PuroClean business at the beginning of October, and is servicing the Long Island, New York region. Frank operates his PuroClean business with his wife, Christine.
Prior to purchasing his PuroClean, Frank owned his own construction business. He worked as a contractor, and specialized in demolition and carpentry work. While working on a job that required some restoration work, Frank met a PuroClean franchise partner on-site. At the time, he was thinking about expanding his construction business. However after speaking with the franchise partner, Frank was impressed with PuroClean and the work the franchise does each day. He also noticed the ‘sense of family’ between the PuroClean franchise partners, and the support system that the company offers. Frank thoroughly researched PuroClean, as well as the restoration and remediation industry as a whole. After attending a PuroClean informational event, he knew a PuroClean business was something he wanted to pursue. He jumped at the opportunity, and purchased a Long Island-area PuroClean business.
Frank has completed his PuroClean training, and is excited to serve the Long Island community. PuroClean is happy to have Frank on board, and is looking forward to seeing what he achieves in his PuroClean business.