Franchise Owner U.L. Armstrong is continuing his call to service for his community by opening his new local PuroClean.

Please join us in welcoming U.L. Armstrong to the PuroClean family. As one of PuroClean’s veterans in business, U.L. Armstrong and his office will primarily serve the Boerne, Texas area, including Fair Oaks, Universal City, and Cibolo, among others.
Following more than 30 years in the U.S. Army, U.L. recently retired and has a strong desire to transition his technical and leadership skills into serving his community through working in the restoration industry and opening a PuroClean franchise. Throughout his military career, he received extensive training as a Chemical Biological Officer and focused on hazardous and toxic materials, as well as leading small and large teams of troops. Veterans in business, like Armstrong, leverage their broad military experience in many ways. For Armstrong, this translates into his franchise by allowing him to understand the scope of work and utilize his skills to further enhance decisions by planning, organizing, executing, and evaluating each situation.
In the city he has called home for the past two years, U.L. intends to bring the Golden Rule philosophy to PuroClean of Boerne. He believes that this philosophy will empower his team and set the foundation for a relentless customer service strategy that’s proactive rather than reactive.
What would you tell a prospective owner looking at opportunities for veterans in business and the PuroClean franchise opportunity?
There are a few things that were significant to me. I wanted something to be a challenge and to learn. I like the direction of PuroClean and its structure. It’s a dynamic and energetic structure surrounded by servant leadership, and I like that this is their way to ensure success. I enjoy that they continue making a concerted effort to not only show you there is support, but that if you reach back the facilities are there to support you. Service to the community was huge for me. All my adult life I’ve been doing something for groups that are bigger than myself. This is what this organization seems to embody. This is the type of leadership I need, something that goes beyond a singular leadership. It’s about community support, community involvement. Similar to how Chick-fil-A is run, they go out of their way to make the customer feel appreciated, they made the choice to be there and that’s exactly how it should be done. The training was also an aspect that I thought was crucial to the process and PuroClean takes it very seriously and constantly has support for additional training from online resources to training within their academy.
What would you tell a military veteran looking at exiting the service, and maybe had not previously thought about franchising or the PuroClean opportunity?
I’d let someone know that PuroClean has concerted efforts to recognize service members and has programs to offer support for vets. Originally, PuroClean wasn’t even on my top ten of what to do when I got out of service. For him the community involvement and structure of training are great to have as a veteran. It was also important, to at least me, that I was doing something that was bigger than one person. This is for the community and the service nature is important to continue after exiting the military.
What value do you think you bring to the network now, in your experience and background?
I’m a pretty modest guy, but I think my value is in understanding my strengths and weaknesses and also realizing that if I don’t know the answer to something, I will work harder than the next person to get the answer. I always find a way to figure out the mission. While some people believe leadership is a soft skill, that’s something I really excel at. Bring in front of troops, small and large, that’s a skillset not a lot of people have or one that some may take for granted. That soft skills of being able to make deliberate decisions. From planning and organizing to executing the plan to analysis and evaluation after.
How do you think your military experience will help you achieve your goals with PuroClean?
The military is all about working with others. You have very diverse situations that you’re often in and through these situations, you’re working with others with different backgrounds, finding a way to bring everyone in on the same team to accomplish an objective. Senior leaders in the military recognize bringing a team together to accomplish a mission set. PuroClean is also a very diverse group with people from all different backgrounds. I would say I could work with this group because working with all the diversity, it breeds success, if you recognize it.
What was the most important factor in your decision to join the PuroClean network?
What put the icing on the cake for me to join the PuroClean network was seeing the CEO and other leadership team members at the meet and team day. This is similar to seeing the general of the military. It shows that the company isn’t all about them and that they aren’t only thinking of themselves. It’s a genuine effort that they put into place. Them making the time and effort to enthusiastically provide their vision to make it happen was the most significant part to me.

The PuroClean of Boerne team will comprise of Delma Barron as office manager, Jeannie White as a lead technician who will later transition to project manager, and U.L., who will lead the team in the office and in the field to provide unparalleled support.
PuroClean looks forward to watching U.L. and his team serve the Boerne community!
There are many opportunities for veterans in business, but PuroClean stands out because its commitment to supporting and uplifting veteran Franchise Owners. The PuroVet veteran franchise initiative helps to clear financial roadblocks by reducing the initial franchise fee needed start a PuroClean franchise, and by providing assistance finding funding. PuroClean also offers a strong franchise military community, as one in seven Franchise Owners are veterans.
To learn more about how why PuroClean is one of the top veteran franchises, visit or contact our team at 855-PUROVET today!